DF64 Coffee Grinder
DF64 Coffee Grinder
Technical Information
Package Dimensions: 27.5 x 17.5 x 37 cm. LxWxH
Package weight 7.2KG
DF64P Size: 185*120*340mm
DF64P Weight: 6.5KG
Capacity of Rubber Bellow: 50-80 Grams
Capacity of Small Hopper: 50-80 Grams
Kindly note that once you purchase on our website, it is considered sold, there is no return/refund policy. Thank you for your sincerity.
Please note due to popular demand, our DF64P might be on pre-order basis depending on model, colour and type of burr.
100-120V model units is INSTOCK on 1st September
220-240V model units is INSTOCK on 1st September
Package Dimensions: 27.5 x 17.5 x 37 cm. LxWxH
Package weight 7.2KG
DF64P Size: 185*120*340mm
DF64P Weight: 6.5KG
Capacity of Rubber Bellow: 50-80 Grams
Capacity of Small Hopper: 50-80 Grams
Kindly note that once you purchase on our website, it is considered sold, there is no return/refund policy. Thank you for your sincerity.
Please note due to popular demand, our DF64P might be on pre-order basis depending on model, colour and type of burr.
100-120V model units is INSTOCK on 1st September
220-240V model units is INSTOCK on 1st September

DF64 Coffee Grinder
Sale price$ 11,880.00
5 Reviews
Muy buena forma de preparar café de especialidad!!!

GINA Coffee Maker - BASIC / WHITE
Excelente producto

Fellow Aiden Brewer